Wednesday, April 29, 2009

@Winston: I Am Typing Right Now

Tweet, Tweet

For those of you out there that have no idea what the title of this post means, I have got news for you...I don’t really know either. It is apparently the way you reply to someone on the social networking phenomenon called Twitter. Yet again, I find something that makes me feel old and dated. Elementary school kids will be teaching me about this stuff sooner or later. Just from one week on the site, I can tell you every one of Soulja Boy’s moves and Shaquille O’neal’s new diet. I know you’re jealous, but once you get past the coolness of knowing a person’s every move, it becomes pretty creepy. Twitter creates a class system. The celebrity personalities are on the top of the Twitter totem pole, so to speak, while the random nobodies (aka me) that follow these celebrities represent the bottom of the totem pole. It is kind of depressing reading what I just typed, but I know what I am doing and what the majority of the (over) 3 million users do. Totem poles create power issues and put those that are on top in the power position. This leads to others being put into positions of weakness. With the whole idea of power on Twitter we are able to see regular people gain fame. Alana Taylor has a powerful idea about Twitter saying that, “tying in with the human instincts of selfishness and greed, the struggle for fame, significance, and individualism plays a major role in every person's daily life. But it has never been so easy to feel famous until now.” I can see myself not checking my Twitter account for one full month and not feeling upset about it. The only problem with that is my adoring fans or my 19 followers would start riots and loot the streets if that happened. So, for the time being, I will remain in the Twitter universe. Hold on, I have to let everyone know I just scratched my nose.

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